Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania

District II/III location on PA Map

List of Clubs in District II/III 

Coming Up...

Annual District II/III Meeting Monday, September 9, 2024

The Emmaus Garden Club will be hosting the Annual District II/III Meeting on September 9th in Allentown, PA. The meeting will be held at the Hyatt Place – Aster Event Center, 621 Grange Rd, Allentown from 10:00 to 2:00.  Cost is $50


Recent Events...

District II/III Meeting Wednesday, June 5, 2024

The Garden Club of Montrose hosted the District II/III Meeting in Montrose, PA on June 5th at the Susquehanna County Library. District II/III officers - Assistant Director Claire Kukielka, Treasurer Brenda Aubert, Youth Chair Barbara Campbell, and Raffle Chair Cynthia Dunton attended the district meeting along with Parkland GC President Helen and Program Chair Nancy Smith. Attending Presidents of the 12 clubs in the district gave reports on their clubs' community activities. Jane handed out the awards from the annual GCFP convention to the club Presidents with Parkland GC receiving 11 awards!

Elections for District II/III officers for 2024-2026 were held. Claire is the new District Director. Brenda will serve as Treasurer for another year. Cynthia will remain as Raffle Chair. Wendy will be corresponding secretary. The positions of assistant Director and Recording Secretary have not been filled.The officers will be installed at the annual District II/III meeting on September 9th. 

Trash to Treasure Contest Entries and Winner!

These 3 fabulous entries were submitted by Kirk Brown, Nancy Smith and Cynthia Dunton

The winning entry by member Kirk Brown!

Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania Convention 2024: Trash to Treasure Contest

State Convention: April 7,8,9, 2024

Convention Theme: "Petals and Patchwork"

Trash to Treasure Theme: “In a Milkwork Garden”

Parkland Garden Club had 3 fabulous entries to the Trash to Treasure contest that were submitted at the Ferbuary 12th meeting and voted on by the members to represent our club in the District II/III contest in March.  Kirk Brown's piece was chosen as the winner!