Member News

Floral Design Presentation at the Allentown Fair

PGC member Barbara Campbell is an accredited flower judge. She is currently Chairman of the Northeast Council of Flower Judges.

Barbara presented a program called "That Floral Touch" on August 31st at the Agri-Plex Centennial Stage at the Allentown Fair. Barbara created 5 designs and explained the techniques used for each including, Sand Design, Design with Garden Flowers, Design with Poultry Wire, Design with Oasis and Line Design.

Welcome New Members!

Back row: James Uhler, Carolyn Raring, Michele Triantos, Barry Nagle, Debbie Schneck, Candace Chorney, Lisa Mikitka, Christine Gallina

Front row: Sue Heller, Judy Huff, Ann Mitman, Sara Brown, Cristine Tietjen, Karly Lazo.

At the June 10, 2024 meeting, new members to the Parkland Garden Club were honored with tea and cake. Each was presented with a begonia by Membership Chair Carol Nagle as a welcome to the club. We had a total of 18 new members join since May of last year! Welcome!

Luncheon for Bonnie Keller

Parkland Garden Club members had a luncheon on May 29, 2024 at Morgan's to honor long-time member Bonnie Keller who is soon relocating out of the area. In her 13 years with the club, Bonnie has served as President, Recording Secretary and as co-chair of the Bus Trip and Butterfly Garden committees. Treasurer Cynthia Dunton made a beautiful floral embroidery picture that was presented to Bonnie along with a gift card to Lehigh Valley Garden Center from the members. Marjorie Stevens, our oldest member, was able to join the well-wishers. Thank you Bonnie for your service to the club. We will miss you!

PGC Newly Elected Officers Installed

Jane Kruse - District II/III Director

Claire Kukielka - Corresponding Secretary

Maria Dax - Recording Secretary

Cynthia Dunton - Treasurer

Kendra Copley - Vice President

Helen Papathanasiou - President

At the May 13, 2024 meeting, our club officers were installed by District II/III Director Jane Kruse, who then awarded each new officer with a succulent dish arrangement. Members will serve for the May 2024 to April 2026 term.